Thursday, December 9, 2010

It's beginning to look a lot like....

Christmas! I know it's "politically incorrect" to say Merry Christmas but it is what my family and most of my friends celebrate at this time of the year, for everyone else Happy Holidays!!

These are the cards I made for my parents to send out to family and friends. They are handmade paper cards that have been individually stamped. I've handmade my parents cards the past few years, starting with the paper and usually finishing with stamps. Here is a look at the outside, as well as the inside. Hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A Gift

My niece was born three weeks ago and she is the love of my life. Every time I see her, hold her, or hear her making noise or crying I just fall more and more in love with her. I don't know how it is possible to be more in love with her than I already am, but my love just keeps growing and growing. Besides buying her tons of clothes and other little baby items, I crocheted her a baby blanket. Here are a few pictures of it.

I used four different kinds of threads for this blanket: white, yellow, and two different pinks. I've made a lot of baby blankets for other family members and friends of the family, I'm finally getting around to making my own blanket (not a baby one) and I can't wait to use it!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween Nails...a day late.

Happy Halloween everyone! Yes, a day late but oh well. Here is a nail design I saw a tutorial for on Youtube. I thought it was too cute to not give a shot. Excuse the chips, it is a few days old.

It's obviously a vampire, don't judge lol here is a list of the colors I used:
-Metro Chic by Sephora by OPI, purple/gray color on all nails (2 coats)

To create the vampire on top of Metro Chic
-French Beige by CQ, light beige (2 coats)
-Diamonds by Sally Hansen, white/silver glitter (1 coat)
-Liquid Leather by China Glaze, black (details)
-White on White by China Glaze, white (details)
-Off With Her Red by OPI, red (details)

Monday, October 25, 2010

Three Things I'm Currently Loving

Three things I'm loving right now include Softlips lip polish, St. Ives Microdermabrasion face wash and pretty nails.

Softlips lip polish is a sugar scrub for your lips that takes off that top layer of dead skin and makes your lips so ridiculously soft it is unreal.

The St. Ives Microdermabrasion face wash is a fine mineral crystal wash that is suppose to smooth the appearance of fine lines. I love this product because it gently exfoliates and isn't too rough on my skin that is relatively sensitive. Its so gentle that you would use it everyday if you really wanted to.

The third and final thing I'm loving right now is pretty nails. I love having pretty nails all the time, it makes me feel feminine and really just put together. In the picture I am wearing a blue base coat that is from Sephora by OPI in the color Blue Grotto with Sally Hansen's Hidden Treasure as a top coat.

Smooth skin and pretty nails is where it's at right now!

PS. I know my posts have been really random but I'm honestly going to try and update more and more often so keep an eye for them!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Spirit of Adventure

Last month I went to visit my sister who lives in Charleston. We had a blast to say the least doing all the fun "touristy" things. Having visited her, my want to travel has increased to the point where it will soon be a need as opposed to a want. Here are a few pictures from our tourist adventures!

The entrance to the market downtown.

A church downtown that I also bought a water color painting of at the market.

Beautiful hand painted house numbers.

I could post picture after picture of all the beautiful things I saw while I was visiting but I think I'll leave it at just those. Charleston is full of beauty no matter where you look and I cannot wait to visit again!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Giving this whole blogging life a shot. Actual post up within the next few days :]