Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Umba Box

I came across Umba Box a few weeks ago while looking through different blogs. I can't remember where I saw it originally but I decided to head over to their website to see what exactly an Umba Box was. Umba Box is a company that sells handmade goods and sends out a box once a month with two to three handmade items from various artists. Being a graphic designer, a maker of handmade goods, a lover or handmade goods and just about anything pretty I was very, very intrigued. I told my boyfriend all about it that night and he didn't really understand the concept. I think he got confused because I also told him about Birchbox which also sends out things monthly but they send out different beauty and lifestyle products. Anyway, after talking to him and trying to explain these two companies, I wasn't sure if I wanted to subscribe to either of them, mainly because of the money. Umba Box costs $25 a month, plus shipping, and Birchbox costs $10 a month. After really thinking it through and talking to a friend, I decided to sign up for both services and so far, I am really happy with this decision.

So what came in my Umba Box this month? Check it out!!

A super cute necklace, a doe on a wooden pendant from Figs and Ginger. Beautiful letterpress stationary from Shortgrass Designs. A simple, cute watercolor doodle made by Laura of Bright, Bold, & Beautiful.

To be honest, I was really worried about subscribing to Umba Box because you don't know what you're getting and I was worried that the quality of the items I was going to get, wouldn't be worth the money I spent. If you check out their website, it explains that the goods you get will be equal to or exceed the money you spend but I was still wary. I was pleasantly surprised to see how wonderful everything really was in my first box. So far, this is something I think I'll keep up with for a while. I signed up for three months so we'll see how those go but as of right now, as long as I can afford it, I'm probably going to keep my Umba Box subscription. 

Anyone else out there get this? Do you like it? Interested in checking out Umba Box? Head on over to their site! It's super cute! 


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